Prepare and implement strategies to reestablish runs above existing dams and optimize management of dams for salmon. (ID #23)
Key opportunities for 2022-2026 include:
Inventory and assess all fish passage barriers (culverts, dams, etc.). Prioritize, sequence, and implement fish passage barrier correction or removal in watersheds. (ID #152)
Key opportunities for 2022-2026 include:
Key opportunities for 2022-2026 to integrate human wellbeing considerations and climate change responses into efforts include:
Human Wellbeing
Climate Change
Ongoing programs provide regulatory oversight, technical support, implementation resources, funding, or guidance and serve as the critical foundation for Puget Sound recovery. The following is a list of example state and federal ongoing programs that help to implement this strategy. Many more local, tribal nations, and nongovernmental programs exist that support this strategy.
We achieve our recovery goal of thriving species and foodwebs in the Puget Sound region by removing or managing culverts, dams, and other infrastructure to ensure fish passage and functioning downstream habitat. The indicator of success is increasing the miles of streams opened to fish as a result of fish passage barrier removal.