Economic Benefits

Implement policies and programs that maximize benefits and minimize adverse impacts to both ecosystems and natural resource industries and livelihoods.
Economic vitality is an element of human quality of life. Natural resource-based industries have a long-standing history in the region and their existence is important to residents of the area as they provide jobs, income, a sense of identity, and cultural heritage. Since many communities in Puget Sound have historically been dependent on aquaculture, agriculture, fishing, forestry, recreation, and tourism, a healthy, sustainable, and resource-based industry contributes to job stability and satisfaction, sustainability, and attachment to place. This strategy identifies opportunities for supporting natural resource sector jobs and production opportunities in both rural and urban areas, advancing research and best practices to balance the needs of ecosystems and natural resource industries, and utilizing information on economic benefits to inform ecosystem restoration decisions.
  • Support natural resource sector jobs
  • Encourage natural resource sector innovation
  • Consider economic cost-benefit of restoration

Conduct and coordinate research to improve the understanding of ecosystem-industry interactions, opportunities, and benefits. (ID #96)

Key opportunities for 2022-2026 include:

  • Promote best practices that maximize benefits and minimize adverse impacts to both ecosystems and natural resource industries;
  • Ensure that research is comprehensive, current, and transparent.

Increase funding for and promote multi-benefit solutions in restoration and protection project development to include considerations for job creation. (ID #98)

Key opportunities for 2022-2026 include:

  • Increase funding for restoration and protection projects that equitably advance economic benefits and job creation in rural and urban areas;
  • Increase understanding of the benefits and opportunities of investing in local economies, especially rural communities;
  • Promote the economic and job creation benefits of restoration and protection projects;
  • Increase assessments and reporting of tradeoffs in protection and restoration actions and the extent to which multi-benefit solutions are implemented and achieve their expected results;
  • Increase consideration of multi-benefits and tradeoffs to develop actionable information and tools for program managers and project sponsors to increase the number and impact of multi-benefit solutions in protection and restoration projects.

Support natural resource sector jobs and production opportunities. (ID #164)

Key opportunities for 2022-2026 include:

  • Cultivate and support businesses seeking to produce local foods and natural resources focused services, activities, and products;
  • Develop and share locally-relevant information on the economic and employment benefits and impacts of natural resource sectors on natural resource decision-makers, consumers, and individuals seeking employment in said industries;
  • Provide trainings on opportunities to increase support for the natural resource sector and local food production.
Implementation Considerations

No related implementation considerations at this time.  

Ongoing Programs

Ongoing programs provide regulatory oversight, technical support, implementation resources, funding, or guidance and serve as the critical foundation for Puget Sound recovery. The following is a list of example state and federal ongoing programs that help to implement this strategy. Many more local, tribal nations, and nongovernmental programs exist that support this strategy.

What We're Measuring

We achieve our recovery goal of a vibrant quality of life by supporting natural resource sector jobs and production opportunities; encouraging innovative techniques that promote a healthy natural environment and achieve growth in natural resource industries; and encouraging, where possible, the consideration of economic benefits and impacts, monitor tradeoffs, and choosing multi-benefit solutions. Indicators of success include:

  • Maintaining or increasing employment in natural resource industries, including restoration
  • Maintaining or increasing natural resource industry output
  • Maintaining or increasing percent of employment in natural resource industries, including restoration

Current Legislative Actions