Wetlands and floodplains provide dynamic habitat for birds, salmon, and other creatures
Action Agenda strategies describe effective approaches for advancing progress toward desired outcomes, Vital Signs, and overall recovery. Each strategy is expected to advance one or more desired outcome by addressing the underlying conditions that give rise to sources of stress on the ecosystem or enhance capacity to address a stressor. Strategies address a 5- to 30-year time horizon and describe the kinds of policies, actions, or approaches that could be applied by many groups in many different areas.
Each strategy also includes actions which describe the activities that are a shared focus for implementing each strategy from 2022-2026. This could include restoration and acquisition; program development, improvement, or implementation; education; outreach; research; legislative or policy improvements; or other types of activities. Actions are intended to guide partner implementation and innovation and inform the focus of public and private funding and implementation support by the boards and regional partners, and other work that important to undertake in the next four years.
The Action Agenda Explorer (Explorer) serves as the companion digital tool that enables the Action Agenda to be an evolving and truer ecosystem recovery plan. The Explorer profiles each of the 31 collaboratively-developed, scientifically-informed strategies in the 2022-2026 Action Agenda's Implementation Plan, including foundational connections to Vital Signs, desired outcomes, strategies, actions, key opportunities, indicators, and ongoing programs.
For more information on the 2022-2026 Action Agenda's Implementation Plan as well as its Comprehensive Plan and detailed appendices, please visit www.psp.wa.gov/2022AAupdate.